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Here's Your Guide to Move Up Into the House You Want

tyler j gramson

Hey, I'm Tyler Gramson, an agent with Check Point Realty. I help people find their perfect home, and seamlessly sell the old one.

Buying and selling at the same time can seem like a major stressor, but it doesn't have to be.

Remember buying your first home? Or even just your last move? A lot of moving parts, between navigating agents, loan officers, movers, etc. I know it's a lot. 

That's where I come in. From professional and personal experience, I understand what it takes to get you from your old home, into the new. My process will significantly reduce that stress, and put you at ease making this amazing transition.

let's do this

thinking of Selling your home and buying a new one?

* indicates required

It doesn't need to be hard! Get my guide on the steps and processes to acquire the perfect home for you, without sacrificing your time and sanity.

Skip the hassle,
 Make this a
smooth transition

Let's have a