Give it to me

Here's Your Guide to Move Up Into the House You Want

tyler j gramson

I'm Tyler Gramson.  

I have lived in the Happy Valley community since 2019, and got my real estate license in 2020 on the first day of our "two-week" shutdown. You can follow any of my socials to the top right or at the bottom if you really want to know more about me.

But we're really here about you, and how I can help.

I have developed the systems and processes, and established the professional relationships / network, to help streamline your transaction. One thing you'll find out quick about me is that I value my time, and your own. We will move at the pace you're most comfortable, with intentional focus.


See below what programs, services and guarantees I offer you...

My rates / services

This is your standard package, including:
  • Identify Key Areas to Boost Curb Appeal
  • Professional Photography
  • Professional Videography and Drone Footage
  • Social Media Campaigns to Targeted Buyers
  • Uploaded to Local MLS and Websites
  • Open Houses
  • Weekly Check-Ins
  • Negotiating on Your Behalf
  • Consulting and Advising

Flat-Fee FSBO Package ($1500)

This package is for those who are looking to save money that would normally be paid to a listing agent (in Happy Valley ~$38,000), though I will recommend offering to commission to the buyer's agent (2-2.5% or ~$13,000).
  • Professional Photography
  • Uploaded to Local MLS

The Piece of Mind 

Traditional (6%)

Flat-Fee FSBO ($1500)

Flat-Fee FSBO Package ($1500)


The first program that I would like to introduce, was the first I have implemented with the restructuring of my business, and that is "The Loyalist."

This program is for those of you who have appreciated and benefited from our initial transaction(s) together, but are looking to make another move. This program is very simple, and one of which you are immediately enrolled into when we enter into our next transaction together.

Here's the benefit to you...

  • Each subsequent transaction keeps more money in your pocket, by decreasing my commission by 0.5%

The Reno Concierge

Coming soon...

Who will this program be for:
  • Clients with some time before selling
  • Wanting to sell for top dollar
  • In need of a reno project supervisor

The Piece of Mind 

Coming soon...

Who will this program be for:
  • Clients with concerns about possible issues in their new home

The Loyalist

Example: You bought your first home with me, but just found out you are having a new baby and need something bigger. We sell your old home for $600,000, you keep an additional $3,000.


Your annual review is essentially a snapshot of where your real estate assets are in relation to the existing market. Think of it like an annual checkup with your doctor, but for your home, and any other properties you own.

At your annual review, we will go over the potential valuation of your properties after factoring in any changes that may have taken place throughout the year, as well as how occurrences in the market may have adjusted that value further.

If you own any commercial, or rental properties, we will go over their values, an overview of the rental market. I will advise on market rental rates, how much they can be adjusted, and discuss further potential acquisitions.

These are generally conducted in person, but everything will be documented for your personal review and can be delivered.


Similar to my programs, my guarantees are mostly catered to the individual and can be discussed upon our consultation.

These guarantees are not to be confused with my fiduciary duties owed to my clients and all other parties to a transaction. I will always act with the most skill, dedication and integrity when it comes to my work as a real estate agent.

Annual Review

The Trade In

Bought a house with me that you absolutely HATED? Well, I should've done better job advising you. If this is you, then I will help sell your house completely free. Only cost to you will be to the Buyer's Agent commission, otherwise everything I offer for listings will be coming out of my own pocket.

Skip the hassle,
 Make this a
smooth transition

Let's have a